Saturday, January 31, 2015

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Charlie is the main character of the perks of being a wallflower. He is shy and wishes to become a writer. He has a mother, father and older sister and brother

Patrick is by far the best character in the perks of being a wallflower. THE BEST. He is funny, nice and very bright. 

Sam is the stepsister of Patrick and she looks like she's very fun to be around. She is very enthusiastic 

Charlie is a shy teenager who has just got into high school. He was never really noticed and preferred talking to his family than to other people. He misses his aunt who died in a car accident, and his best friend, who had committed suicide. He starts writing letters to an imaginary friends telling his emotions and feelings. In his past Charlie has had mental illness problem from when he was young. At a football game, Charlie befriends Patrick, who is gay, and his stepsister Sam, who soon become best friends. They go to a restaurant, and on the way there they ride under a tunnel. There was an amazing song playing and Sam demanded Patrick to open a back window so that she could stand on the back of the truck, and screams as they exit the tunnel. Charlie wishes to be a writer, and soon becomes his English teacher's favorite student. At a party, Patrick and Sam introduce Charlie to their friends, and Charlie falls in love with Sam, but does not have enough self-confidence to ask her out on a date. In his new school, Charlie discovers a new world and feels happy with the progress he made from his last school. When the end of the year comes closer, he is asked to date a friend of Sam and Patrick named Mary Elizabeth. When their relationship ends, Patrick tells Charlie to stay away from them for awhile. At lunch a few days later, Patrick is being attacked by his own "boyfriend". Charlie has been really sensitive about this ever since hi best friend committed suicide. Charlie steps into the fight and stops it almost immediately. He was sent to the office, and when done, Sam was waiting outside for him and told Charlie that he saved her stepbrother, and they become friends again. Weeks pass and Charlie receives flashbacks of his aunt, and they get worse every night. Graduation nears and Sam is accepted to Penn State. Charlie helps her pack, and Sam asks charlie why he never asked her out. after a few heartfelt confessions, they start to kiss. The day after Sam graduates, Charlie goes home and triggers his mental illness again. He calls his sister for help and she tells her friends to call the police before Charlie could hurt himself. He wakes up in the hospital and the doctor discloses the the origin of his mental illness.  

In my vision, the scariest parts are the lunch room fighting scene and Charlie's mental illness problem. 
Lunch room fighting scene                                                                                                 Charlie's mental illness problem.
Lunch fighting scene                                                                            Mental Break down

Favorite parts, funny and romantic. Rocky Horror show and Sam and Charlie falling in love
Rocky horror show                                                                                                                Sam and Charlie 
Patrick as the main singer in the first song                                                                       Charlie and Sam  
and Sam as main singer in second

I would suggest this movie to people at the age of thirteen and higher because this movie shows what high school might be like for people who are going to high school. I really enjoyed this movie (8/10) because it looked like it all happened in real life, like how this might happen to us. It gave me an idea of what high school might look like for me, or it could look nothing like the movie. 

Wallflower: noun 
A person who because of shyness, unpopularity, or lack of a partner, remains at the sides of a party or a dance.
A European plant, Cheiranthus cheiri, of the mustard family that when growing wild on walls, cliffs,etc. has  a sweet-scent, usually yellow or orange flowers

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Trouble Game

Trouble Game


Trouble Game is a game of fun. it consists of popping a die and you move pegs. This game can only have four players, two to four are needed to play this game.
On your first turn, you must pop a six to be able to get out of home. You get three tries. if you don't get a six the next player gets to pop the bubble. When you do get a six, move your peg out of home and into the start on the playing track. One turn consists of one pop and one move, if one can be made. If you pop a six, you get an additional pop and a move. Once you get out of home, and on to the start playing track, you pop again and move your peg the number of spaces shown on the die. You always move clockwise, following the arrows on the playing track. Pop and move your pegs all around the game. You must make a full circle to be able to get in the finish. If you pop a six again, you can move a new peg out of home and onto the start, or you can move the peg(s) that is/are on the playing track. Then pop again, move the peg(s) that is/are already on the playing track the number of spaces shown on the die. If your peg lands on an opponents space, that player's peg must go back to home and start all over again, and your peg occupies that space. Same thing goes to you. If one of your opponents peg lands on you, your peg must go back to home and start all over again, and there occupying that space. If this happens when an opponents peg is on your start, they get sent to home and must start again, and you move your peg to start. Same thing happens if your on an opponents start and they roll a six, you get sent back home and they roll again. If your own peg is on your start and you roll a six, you cannot bring a new peg out. You can use the six to move the peg that is on the start on the playing track or another peg(if there is another peg of yours on the playing track). You can't land on your own peg. 
Once your peg has gone once around the game board, it enters the finish line matching its own colour. A peg cannot go around the game board more than once. A peg can only enter the finish line if the exact number required is popped. Pegs that are in the finish line are safe from other player's pegs because another player cannot move into another players finish line. Pegs are allowed to move within the finish line only if the exact number is popped. 
Your goal is to be the first player with all four pegs into the finish line. In the game, try to get your opponents' pegs sent back home. The game continues to see who comes second and third. 
You are the characters in the game and you are against each other. There is no teaming up or alliances in this game. Every man or woman for themselves. 
The best parts about this game is that it feels so competitive and it is a way to blow off steam. It can get really intense. It is a great game for when you are feeling bored. It is really fun when you are playing with three-four players because you don't have just one opponent. The part that stinks is that you can get mad. Since its like a competitive game, when you have to go back at the beginning you can get mad easily. There's a saying: "People, don't get mad," since it's an intense game.
I would recommend this game to all ages, young, old, male and female. It is a fun family game. I find the game excellent,I would rate it 9/10. Its a competitive game that can be made fun when you play with your friends and/or family. Also, its a great way to say that you rock at this game, and are an
 undefeated champion. Maybe.  

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Does your Teenager need a credit card

Does your child need a credit card

This article talks about benefits and disadvantages of giving a credit card to a child. I have to say that I didn't understand this text when I read it for the first time. I had to ask my parents to explain some parts for me. I am still 13 years old and to be honest, never got more than $50 to spend (and even that was when I went to NY with jazz choir). I am probably not even going to get a credit card soon so most of the things described in the article was for ..... future reference??

The decision that the parents made was a good one, because at that age (16-18), parents can decide if they can trust their kids or not. If children  are given cars to drive and get their driving licence, that means parents already trust them far more than overspending money through credit card. The dangers of driving a car are much much greater than the dangers of a credit card.

Starting credit history can make banks trust you with their money. It is important to know how to use money, because your credit history is for life. In cases of emergency, credit cards are not the best to use. They would cost you more than a banking card. In some places, credit cards are not accepted and they would only accept cash.

The different options for credit card described are a good way to slowly give more and more responsibility to your child - first with prepaid card, then with a card with a limit. It feels like learning to ride a bike; you first have a toddler one, then you go to riding one with four wheels, then you learn how to bike on your own.

It is a difficult task to give opinion about subject we don't fully understand like this one. I had very little experience with money and banks until now.  On the other hand  this article might be a good start for my future learning.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

do over generation set to experience deadline shock

Do-over generation set to experience deadline shock 

      On August 28, 2010, there was an article in globe and mail news papers about new rules that will allow teachers to deduct marks for late assignment(s). This article presents a current problem in Canada that many of the students are being absent or late on due dates for hand in assignment(s). 
      At first I was surprised to see that this existed as a problem. Then my opinion was balanced between agree and disagree. Students who hand in their assignment(s) late or are absent on the due date do not learn about the consequences of their actions. Then these actions will become a habit and will continue to do so through high school, university and beyond. Parents might get concerned about this and how this affects their work habit.  

       I agree to this solution for teachers being able to deduct marks for late or missed assignments. Because of this, students will be able to mange their time better and that will prepare them for the other schools. Being absent for every assignment will tell the teachers a pattern and will see if you have been managing your time well for homework. The teachers will be preparing the students for high school, university and their jobs. 

       I disagree with this idea as it might affect students who are really sick. Last year, many people in my class were away and sick during winter missing the assignments. For that reason, their average percent dropped by the end of the school year.  

       In total, I agree with this new policy that teachers should be able to deduct marks for  late assignments as I think it will give good results at the end.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

If I could meet one person

If I Could Meet One Person... 

 Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin  

If I could choose one person to talk to it would be... Charlie Chaplin! He was my favorite actor since I was little. I found out a lot about him during the past year and I learned that many things you would think he was, based on his movie characters, he wasn't in reality. What was sometimes funny was actually sad or the other way around. But mostly, he was trying to make people laugh. 

When I was little I would watch Charlie Chaplin's short movies. One, because he made really funny films. Two, he made movies that I liked. He made twelve films in total, and his most popular and famous films were; Modern times, The Gold Rush, City Lights and The Great Dictator. I chose Charlie Chaplin because I could see how life looked like one century ago, and it felt like the films were explaining how Charlie's life was. I found out that was not true, but it didn't keep me from thinking that. 

If I had a chance to meet him I would want to ask him many questions about his career, like; Why did you do comedy and not drama or romance?, Why did you chose to be an actor, and not something else?, If you lived now, what films would you want to make? How did you come up with the different themes for your films?, Did the movies you made show how your life was? and many more. 

 In his films, he sent messages at the end to tell the meaning of the storyIn a way, his words tell everyone something we have difficulty realizing or don't notice at all.

He refers to things that we might see in our everyday life, and we might think of them as object that just help us. And yet he pictures them as alive, making us  see them in a different way, we couldn't   notice before.

Beside movies Chaplin was also composing music, mostly for his films. "Smile"* is one of his most popular songs, still played today by many musicians.

His "Non-sense" song is still one of the funniest piece of music I ever heard and it makes me laugh just by thinking of it.

If he was still alive, I would like to know what the themes of his movies would be today. The great depression, when he mostly made his movies, is long gone. So is the Second World War. Would he still make movies related to today's politics? Would it be easier to film using the updated technology?, or Will everything be harder to do than it was when he was alive? His performances were based on what is happening in real life. He did one of his most famous films on Adolf Hitler, the German Chancellor. Would he choose one of the wars going on now or another living politician as a theme?  

If I had powers to bring him to life again, we could make today's movies better. Most of the movies made today are based on books and not always reflecting life, like Chaplin did. He could show film makers how to make a film more dramatic, ironic, funny and meaningful.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Composition assignment - I

Composition Assignment - I

I believe the responsibility of Ivan's death lies mostly with himself and partly with his tormentors. What Ivan did was suicidal. Here are some questions that I had in mind: was it really necessary for Ivan  to agree to this challenge? Could Ivan had walked away and not say a word? Why was Ivan so afraid of the cemetery?
I am also going to talk a little bit about the lieutenant. Why did the lieutenant challenge  Ivan? Was the lieutenant scared of the cemetery as well? 

What I do not understand about the story is that there were so many things that Ivan could have done, and yet, he chose to ignore them all. Some of them were: Was Ivan he afraid of the lieutenant and his companions? Did Ivan really need to take the challenge? I am guessing that he was determined to get some sort of money, because he needed it. Ivan did have a chance to say no to this, but he declined it. He was probably also tempted to not let other people mock him even more. 

The lieutenant troubles me. One, how does he know that Ivan does not cross the cemetery to come home. Two, the author does not introduce him. One day he isn't there, the next he is. Since we know that the lieutenant has more power over Ivan, he expresses it in a bad way. He is willingly giving away some of his money, to Ivan, in a challenge. When the lieutenant said that he would see if Ivan did the dare, in the morning, I think that the lieutenant is also afraid of the cemetery as well because he could have said "I will go with you to see if you put my sabre into the ground, and if we come back to the saloon before midnight- five gold rubles to you!". I am not so sure that the lieutenant would even give Ivan five gold rubles:"the lieutenant winked at the others and unbuckled his sabre,". When he said that he winked to the others, he probably didn't actually intend to give five gold rubles to Ivan. Even if Ivan came back to the saloon, they would probably pretend that they don't know what he's talking about or they started laughing at him and ignoring what he was trying to say, by drowning the thought about it by their mockery. 

There are a couple of things that I question regarding his the tormentors- the people who mock Ivan. Why did they pick on him instead of someone else? They probably never experienced living how Ivan did and probably never thought about his situation and how he felt about it.  I guess you can say that they probably respected one another, and they though that Ivan was an outcast and that he didn't belong in there society. The more they mocked Ivan, the more it seemed that Ivan wished to end his life, because of them and under the crucial statements that he needed to live in, in order to survive. This one question seems to be looming in my head -what made Ivan so different from the rest of the town? Its not like he wasn't human or anything like that.

In the end, the message of the story is that we are all responsible for our own fate. If someone pushes us too far,  it is up to us to either confront them or accept it. Most of the time we have a possibility to make choices in our lives and we should use it wisely.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

if i could change three things about myself they would be

If I could change three things about myself they would be... 

   The three things that I would change about myself would be; having a long-term photographic memory, being open to try new foods and punctuality. It was difficult to come up with these three things, but one thing lead to another.... 

 Photographic long-term memory
 I sometimes imagine myself having this kind of ability. It would be great to be able to learn three to four times faster and remember almost everything that I read, see and hear. I have many interests, but little time to explore, read, watch everything I want. Having this skill can make me open for more job/studying opportunities. If I could use this memory to combine different knowledge, I could come up with great new inventions that can help mankind.  

 Expand my food menu
 Ever since I was little I was very hesitant to try new foods. There is a limited number of things that I like to eat and I stick to it. My parents like to go out to the restaurants and try different foods, but because of me, we mostly go to the same places. Same thing happens when we travel, in other countries I see different kinds of new foods that everyone around me smells or admires, but not me. Even my little sister is brave enough to at least take one bite of everything that is on the table in front of us. She went that far that she tried the hot Mexican sauce this summer in Arizona. My sister teases me a lot  that I might die of hunger or when I get older and that my friends won't take me anywhere with them or invite me to their homes.

 Last night I was late for my volleyball practice.  For almost every single occasion, I tend to be late. It is usually because I do things at the last minute, when I am supposed to do them earlier, or I take too long to finish everything. I sometimes make my mom late in the morning when it takes me too long to get ready for school. Everything takes more time than what it does for average people. I haven't noticed this until, well, yesterday. My punctuality was lacking a bit, okay a lot, but then it was a good thing that I was late yesterday because I found what I needed to improve on, in reality. This is not just a wish, it is a determination.          

Long term photographic memory is a bit of a dream. Having courage to try new foods and to push myself to be on time are goals that can be set and reached. I think I will have to spend some time during the weekend thinking about them.