Wednesday, October 29, 2014

If I could meet one person

If I Could Meet One Person... 

 Charles Spencer "Charlie" Chaplin  

If I could choose one person to talk to it would be... Charlie Chaplin! He was my favorite actor since I was little. I found out a lot about him during the past year and I learned that many things you would think he was, based on his movie characters, he wasn't in reality. What was sometimes funny was actually sad or the other way around. But mostly, he was trying to make people laugh. 

When I was little I would watch Charlie Chaplin's short movies. One, because he made really funny films. Two, he made movies that I liked. He made twelve films in total, and his most popular and famous films were; Modern times, The Gold Rush, City Lights and The Great Dictator. I chose Charlie Chaplin because I could see how life looked like one century ago, and it felt like the films were explaining how Charlie's life was. I found out that was not true, but it didn't keep me from thinking that. 

If I had a chance to meet him I would want to ask him many questions about his career, like; Why did you do comedy and not drama or romance?, Why did you chose to be an actor, and not something else?, If you lived now, what films would you want to make? How did you come up with the different themes for your films?, Did the movies you made show how your life was? and many more. 

 In his films, he sent messages at the end to tell the meaning of the storyIn a way, his words tell everyone something we have difficulty realizing or don't notice at all.

He refers to things that we might see in our everyday life, and we might think of them as object that just help us. And yet he pictures them as alive, making us  see them in a different way, we couldn't   notice before.

Beside movies Chaplin was also composing music, mostly for his films. "Smile"* is one of his most popular songs, still played today by many musicians.

His "Non-sense" song is still one of the funniest piece of music I ever heard and it makes me laugh just by thinking of it.

If he was still alive, I would like to know what the themes of his movies would be today. The great depression, when he mostly made his movies, is long gone. So is the Second World War. Would he still make movies related to today's politics? Would it be easier to film using the updated technology?, or Will everything be harder to do than it was when he was alive? His performances were based on what is happening in real life. He did one of his most famous films on Adolf Hitler, the German Chancellor. Would he choose one of the wars going on now or another living politician as a theme?  

If I had powers to bring him to life again, we could make today's movies better. Most of the movies made today are based on books and not always reflecting life, like Chaplin did. He could show film makers how to make a film more dramatic, ironic, funny and meaningful.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating! I have never known a 13 year old that likes Chaplin! He was certainly a unique talent. Thank you for sharing this with me.

