Thursday, October 2, 2014

if i could change three things about myself they would be

If I could change three things about myself they would be... 

   The three things that I would change about myself would be; having a long-term photographic memory, being open to try new foods and punctuality. It was difficult to come up with these three things, but one thing lead to another.... 

 Photographic long-term memory
 I sometimes imagine myself having this kind of ability. It would be great to be able to learn three to four times faster and remember almost everything that I read, see and hear. I have many interests, but little time to explore, read, watch everything I want. Having this skill can make me open for more job/studying opportunities. If I could use this memory to combine different knowledge, I could come up with great new inventions that can help mankind.  

 Expand my food menu
 Ever since I was little I was very hesitant to try new foods. There is a limited number of things that I like to eat and I stick to it. My parents like to go out to the restaurants and try different foods, but because of me, we mostly go to the same places. Same thing happens when we travel, in other countries I see different kinds of new foods that everyone around me smells or admires, but not me. Even my little sister is brave enough to at least take one bite of everything that is on the table in front of us. She went that far that she tried the hot Mexican sauce this summer in Arizona. My sister teases me a lot  that I might die of hunger or when I get older and that my friends won't take me anywhere with them or invite me to their homes.

 Last night I was late for my volleyball practice.  For almost every single occasion, I tend to be late. It is usually because I do things at the last minute, when I am supposed to do them earlier, or I take too long to finish everything. I sometimes make my mom late in the morning when it takes me too long to get ready for school. Everything takes more time than what it does for average people. I haven't noticed this until, well, yesterday. My punctuality was lacking a bit, okay a lot, but then it was a good thing that I was late yesterday because I found what I needed to improve on, in reality. This is not just a wish, it is a determination.          

Long term photographic memory is a bit of a dream. Having courage to try new foods and to push myself to be on time are goals that can be set and reached. I think I will have to spend some time during the weekend thinking about them.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you put each sub-topic in their own paragraph. Now all you need to do is get rid of the sub-titles.The first three paragraphs were good, but the last two need some work. It almost seems like you ran out of ideas or out of time to complete the assignment.
    Setting achievable goals is definitely a good thing.

